Weak grip strength could be a surprising red flag for serious health issues like diabetes and heart disease, making it a crucial, yet often overlooked, indicator of overall well-being.
Key Highlights: 1. Weak grip strength signals serious health issues. 2. Grip tests are recommended for everyone over 18. 3. Low muscle strength is crucial for Indians to monitor.
A study has highlighted the importance of hand grip strength as a key marker of overall health. Researchers have found that weak grip strength is linked to several serious conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, chronic kidney and liver diseases, some cancers, muscle loss (sarcopenia), and fragility fractures.
Experts suggest that everyone over 18 should include this test in their regular health check-ups. Grip strength can indicate sarcopenia, a gradual loss of muscle mass and function, which is linked to various diseases.
The study points out that globally, low grip strength is the ninth most significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the third for all-cause mortality. This highlights the importance of monitoring grip strength as part of health assessments.
Sarcopenia is notably common in certain populations, and low muscle strength, regardless of body weight, is associated with diabetes. For adults, a grip strength below 27.5 kg for men and 18 kg for women is considered low.
If grip strength falls below these levels, it may indicate underlying health issues such as bone weakness, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, or even cancer. Traditionally, health is monitored through temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and respiratory rate. Now, grip strength is being proposed as an additional vital sign.
The test is simple, inexpensive, and can be easily conducted with a hand-held dynamometer. If low muscle strength is detected, adding resistance exercises, such as weight training or TheraBand exercises, to your routine can help improve muscle health.
In summary, keeping track of your grip strength could be a straightforward way to assess your overall health and identify potential issues early.
Disclaimer: This article is based on expert opinions and public information. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new diet or routine.